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NOW HERE!!! For those who are looking for that EXTRA EXTRA BOOST of energy without sacrificing excellence. There are others coffees on the market that offer extra caffiene but lose quality of aroma and flavor. No way! Not here at OMG Coffee Excellence. We have developed a superior highly caffienated blend while maintaining our levels of excellence. For when you need to unleash your inner beast and monster thru the day!!

T-Rex Xtreme

SKU: 007
    1. Whole Bean = Obviously you have your own grinder. :)
    2. Fine = Finer than table salt or granulated sugar but not yet a powder.(ie..Expresso, Moka Pot, Pour Over).
    3. Medium = Texture of beach sand  (Home Coffee Makers, HomeDrip).
    4. Medium-Coarse = Coarser than Sand but not as bulky as Kosher salt. (ie..Commercial Drip, Chemex)
    5. Coarse = Distinct large bulky grounds of coffee - like heavy grained kosher salt. (ie..French Press)

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